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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spring Updates

Wes and I have had some new and exciting experiences lately. I have recently been premoted to the managers position at the Riverdale Supercuts. Wes has had a job change also, he works at a troubled youth camp as a expedition manager. He is gone to southern Utah for eight days, then back home for six days doing landscaping, so we both stay busy. Because of our busy schedules we probably won't be able to make it to New Port this July.
We had roomates for about two months, but it didn't work out and now we have our house to ourselves again. Wes and I also started a garden this year and are hoping we get some good stuff out of it. It's not quite finished yet but it is looking great thanks to a couple of good friends. and we have almost been married for a year now! I've heard the first year is the hardest and hopefully that is true:) Oh, Wes got a motorcycle to save money on gas and to have a little fun.


Alicia said...

Hello fellow blogger!! Welcome to the crazy world of blogging. I am so excited you have started this--be sure to add lots of pics! I'll check in regularly--I'll be your blogger groupie!! :)

Susan said...

Ashley, CONGRATS ON YOUR PROMOTION at work! That is amazing to be a manager at 19. Oh'm'gosh! Good job! As soon as I figure it out, I want you guys on my friends and family list on my blog.
